Our Program

Positive Solutions Charter School provides:

  • Accredited Courses
  • Small Classes
  • Credit Recovery
  • Personal Attention
  • Tutoring
  • Graduation Acceleration
  • Dual Credit Courses in partnership with San Antonio College
  • Safe Environment
  • Breakfast & Mid-Day Snacks
  • School Supplies
  • VIA Bus Pass
    • Student must live 2 miles or more from the school & maintain an attendance rate of 90% or higher to qualify.
  • 4 Hour School Days
    • Choose either AM Session (7:40 a.m. – 11:53 a.m.) or PM Session (12:40 p.m. – 4:53 p.m.)

At Positive Solutions Charter School, we are as excited as you are to return to school. As we prepare for the 2020-2021 school year, guidelines will be provided to help ensure a safe and healthy teaching and learning environment for students, parents, teachers, and staff members.

The safety of our students and staff are at the forefront of all planning. We are prepared to help prevent, mitigate, and respond to the COVID-19 virus, and this will require our collective efforts.

Positive Solutions Charter School will begin the school year on Monday, August 24 with all virtual learning. There will be no in-person instruction for the first four weeks of school. We provide updates, as needed.

We will continue to closely monitor the situation and take guidance from the Metro Health Department, Texas Department of State Health Services, and the Center for Disease Control. As we continue through these unprecedented times, we ask everyone to be mindful of the key preventative measures of wearing face coverings, social distancing, washing hands thoroughly, and staying home when sick.

In the midst of COVID-19, Positive Solutions Charter High School continues to provide the same instructional and educational values that students would find if attending classes in person. Teachers and staff members are working diligently to ensure that your child receives the best education even during our time apart. We believe that our students need us now more than ever and we are here to support their educational needs during this pandemic. Positive Solutions Charter High School will continue to provide the necessary tools from Chromebooks to Hotspots to ensure that every child has the opportunity to continue receiving the education necessary to meet his or her graduation goals.

Recruitment Flyer 2023

PSHS Brochure 2023